On the third day of the "Your Move Junia" conference - "we" dressed in red to signify we were ready to move into our position as Queen. This type of power move is not new, in the book of Esther - Chapter 5, on the third day Esther dressed up in her royal clothing (vs 1). The first step in making a move is to have confidence/a resolve to move into action. As "we" dressed ourselves for the occassion, the KING of Kings gave HIS approval. Esther also received the approval of the King when she dressed in her royal clothing and stood in his courtyards. Our KING desires to see you dressed in your authority entering HIS gates with praise and thanksgiving.
One of the intercessors from Arkansas received a word from Adonai to bring the sceptor to the conference. As praise arose in the conference, a golden sceptor was a prophetic significance of access into the KING's throne of grace.
NOW WHAT - THE STRATEGY of Moving in YOUR Position! Developing Your Potential!
Receiving the anointing, position and authority of QUEEN.
Supernatural strategy is given to unveil you and reveal the enemy. Esther used a banquet. Esther 5:4
Permission to ask for what is needed is granted
Esther 3:6
Persistency, patience and hospitality was used by Esther. (What is your strategy?) Esther 3:7-8
As Esther scheduled a double banquet - sometimes it takes two strikes to receive a true breakthrough.
When the KING opens HIS books - retribution, honor and recognition is bestowed to the righteous in the presence of their enemies. Esther 6:1-12
When you move in your position (authority given by THE KING) - the fullness of your identity is revealed and your house is delivered. Esther 7:4
When you move in your position - the KING annihilates your enemies. Esther 7:6-10
When you operate in your position - the wealth of the wicked is entrusted to you and your family receives thrie rightful inheritance and operating authority. Esther 8:1-2
When you know your position - you are restored to address the KING in His court and receive wisdom to act. Esther 8:3-7
When you operate in your position - you are granted authority to write in the KING's name, whatever pleases you that addresses the plight of Elohim's people. Esther 8:8
It cannot be revoked
It is sealed with HIS royal signet ring
As you (QUEEN) are in your position, communictaion is restored in ABBA's Kingdom. Esther 8:9
It does not matter the ethnic group, language, or governmental position.
Every scribe will communicate HIS vision.

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